Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Motivation - how to find it and keep it

This is tough and getting started really is the biggest hurdle. Someone asked in a post recently on facebook how to help her sister get motivated. This got me to thinking about myself. I spent almost 2 years as a beginning runner going out and hitting the pavement for about 2 miles….on a good day! It was a start, but I began to realize that there is more to running than just cranking out 2 miles a few days a week. Besides reaping the health benefits, I wanted to really run!

There are a plethora of fun running events to join in and I wanted to try them and do relatively well at them. I’ve never truly considered myself an athlete. I tried out for teams, did okay and moved onto the next sport throughout my teen years. I danced, played softball, swam, attempted basketball (I’m way too short for that one!) and even was on the volleyball team. Running wasn’t even on my radar at that time and yes I was one of those folks who thought, “Running? Only if I’m being chased by a bear!”

1)   Set a Goal: As a runner I find that what motivates me the most is goal setting. Having something to work for keeps me going, helps me find time in the day to fit in a workout and most importantly gets me out of bed on those days that I really just want to snuggle up in the covers and stay warm and cozy.
I’ve got a bucket list full of races that I hope to do one day, but my current goal of running the Ragnar Relay focuses me on knowing that this run isn’t just for me; I’ve got 11 other ladies counting on me to complete my legs of the run well. Preparation is key for this one!

2)   Run with a Buddy or Group:  Now this isn’t for everyone, but I find that running with someone else keeps me motivated – especially on those days that you aren’t having the most spectacular run. Having a person to chat with on a long run chases away the boredom when even your I-pod playlist is getting old! A running buddy waiting outside on the sidewalk also has its perks!

3)   Wear Comfy Clothes: This is a biggie for me! I love workout clothing (as my husband can attest to this) and I like to be comfortable AND look cute at the same time. Now I am the first to admit that when I finish a run I do look like I’m about to have a stroke, but feeling good about the outfit when you walk out the door is a plus. Seriously though, you need to be sure your outfit fits well and doesn’t chafe once you get going. There is nothing worse than an ill fitting sports bra or socks that won’t stay up! And don’t skimp on the running shoes! Be sure they are fitted properly!

4)   Track your progress: I love, love, love my Garmin 110 watch! (Thanks to my boys for this awesome Christmas present!) Being able to see your miles, time and calories burned each run will keep you going. This particular watch plugs into my computer and I can track everything including my route. Written training logs or apps for your phone can do the same thing. Many mornings I’ve run just a little further to reach the next mile…

5)   Encourage someone else: I’ve appreciated the encouragement I’ve received from fellow runners even if I don’t know them! A simple thumbs up while running on the beach to a “Keep you’re a$$ moving sister” from a by-stander at a race (yes, this did happen!) can give you that little umph you need to keep on going. I try to pass this on to others whenever I can. A few words can mean so much.

Love this encouraging sign from a marathon! That would keep me going!

As always, let me know your thoughts on motivation! Keep kickin’ it my friends!

If you run, you are a runner!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Warrior Dash

I look back at this past weekend and am amazed and proud of myself for completing the challenge of the Warrior Dash. Runnerbud Jen wasn't fond of the idea of mud in her sneakers so she declined the invitation to register months ago. My wonderful hubby took the challenge and decided to give it a go. Now he is athletic, looks like a runner when he runs, but isn't a fan of running. Cycling is more his thing. I think it was the idea of the obstacles (and hanging with me!) that convinced him to go.

I highly suggest going with a group, it makes for some serious fun. We camped out, well my version of camping, took the RV and had full-hookup! The two other couples that decided to run with us camped next door to us and we had a whole lot of fun hanging out the night before. Us girls decided that we would go with the Super-heroine focus and dressed as Wonder Woman, Bat Woman and Super Woman. The flaming socks topped off the outfit! Once we got to the venue (Pocono Raceway) my dear hubby realized that we were SO not the crazy dressed chicks of the Dash. There was a whole variety of characters who ran - including the Pope! (I saw the Ghost Busters too complete with Ghost Busting packs on their backs!)
Kim created these awesome tanks for us - and check out our spectacular socks!
The whole atmosphere was fun, from the flames shooting into the air at the starting gun to the "helmets up" pose you had to do for pictures and after obstacles. The whole race was 3.3 miles for us and there were 13 obstacles throughout. The terrain was not great, lots of rocks and ruts. (Unfortunately Dash Buddy Matt found that out the hard way and got a one way ticket to the ER for a bum ankle! Of course that was AFTER he finished the race!) I heard through the grapevine that last year's PA venue was better in Skirmish, PA but I have nothing to compare it to.  My personal faves were the fire jumping and the mud pit. Not a fan of heights & the walls we had to scale were a little daunting, but I am pleased to say I conquered all 4 of them without crying - or breaking any bones! But there just isn't anything to compare to the after race mud that is coated in places you forgot about!
Muscle kissing was optional in this pic!

As you can see, not much avoided the mud! Check out Eric's forehead!
In the end the motto MUD, SWEAT and BEER pretty much lived up to it's calling and we also had some fun with the local bands playing some of our faves. Go figure they even did a ZUMBA grouping which Dash Buddy Kim was a little bit psyched about! The Warrior Horns, medals and Steins were an added bonus and we all slept pretty well that night! Despite a few bruised knees, quad muscles and one ankle we all survived to tell about it. And what's a race without an adventure? Will we do it again next year...I am gonna go with a "Hell Yea!" and I suggest to anyone looking for a good time- with a little mud, this is the race for you.

If you run, you are a runner! Run on friends!