Monday, April 30, 2012

The 10K experience

Well, it was race roadtrip #2 for me this spring and I took along Runnerbud Jen and Runnerbud Amy. Now as you know, Runnerbud Jen and I have been cranking out the predawn runs to train for this. Our main goal is to get time on our feet (distance) and not worry too much about time. We didn't even set a goal for ourselves with time for this race. We weren't really feeling the excitement we had before our trip to VA beach...maybe the lack of beer at the finishline? Who knows?
Ready to roadtrip, like my RUN magnet?
Anyway, we headed to Olney, MD to stay with a friend of mine, Diane. Diane isn't a runner but boy does she show sportsmanship! She let us bunk with her, drove the route with us the night before, took us to the start/picked us up at the finish AND acted as our photographer! WE LOVE DIANE!!!!

On the ride prior to the race we realized just how long 6.2 miles really is...started to psych ourselves out seeing the inclines we would be taking on the next morning. Have you ever really clocked over 6 miles in the car? It's pretty far!

After a yummy carb loading dinner- including 4 desserts (that we shared, really we did!), we did our pre-race ritual of applying our Power Polish before hitting the sack. Sleep proved to be a fruitless attempt as I tossed and turned all night. Of course Jen had to ask me 10 times what time the alarm was set for (she didn't sleep either) since I went with 5:54am...not 5:45 or 6:00. What can I say? It's another of my pre-race quirks!
Then the morning of, I ate my only digestible food - 1 piece of bread with honey and had some water, and we took our series of "queer" photos that are a must before all races.
PowerPolish Grape Going!

We call this our "queer" prerace photo!
Another new prerace ritual ~ The Thumbs UP!

When we got to the race the sun actually started to peek out of the fog and the temp started to get above 42 degrees which was a blessing. Waiting at the start line is always exciting, but no fun when you are cold! We did the bib pinning, porta potty stop and got ready to head to the start.
Pinning the bibs!

Pre-race - Ready to Rock it!
  Turns out there were over 2300 racers registered and they managed to run out of our size fleece, so we all ended up with XL. Guess Eric and Steve will be sporting our 10K fleece sweatshirts this spring! (No worries, we did a little disgusted emailing to the race directors...guess we will see what comes of that!)
That's about the time I realized I forgot to use my inhaler (which was now in Diane's car heading to the finish line), not a good omen since I woke up the day before with a sore throat and head-cold. Too late for worrying though, I had to muddle through it.
After we did some warm-up exercises with the drill sergeant (crazy as it sounds, it's true) we stood and stood and stood at the start. Always a few glitches on race day.
Finally, our corral headed out of the start and we were off. It was a relatively uneventful run. Runnerbud Jen and I stayed together for about 5 miles and met some very friendly runners. Mostly commenting on our matching 5K Diva shirts that say 3.1 is Just for Fun on the back. Truly, there aren't too many "mean" runners that I've ever run into. (It's the haters in the cars who swerve at you that are mean! None seen on this trip tho!)  Most runners will give you a thumbs up or a comment to keep you going. In the last .5 mile I met an older gentleman named Bart (who was being cheered on by bystanders which is how I learned his name) who paced me the last 1/2 mile. When we finally saw the finish line about .2 miles ahead of us we kicked it into high gear. Between the balloons and the crowds, you just can't help yourself! At one point I was kicking a 7:49 mile which is WAY fast for me, but it didn't last too far as the finish-line was just ahead!

There just really aren't words to express the feelings you get as you cross the finish, stop your Garmin and look for a water station! Just knowing I completed my first "official" 10K made me feel awesome and seeing my RunnerBuds smiling too iced the cake. Funny how almost immediately you begin thinking of the next race. (Crazy since 1 mile ago you are thinking, what in the world was I thinking when I signed up to do this?)

Runnerbud Jen and I must have done a decent job training. I didn't have to chase away a "mental pity party" that sometimes creeps into my head during this race, I just ran. It truly does make a difference having your partner right there with you.

So friends, we are setting our new goal. Looks like a 10 miler is on tap for us.
Runnerbud Jen, let the training begin!

Anyone else training for anything? Post or comment and let me know what plan you are using or race you are heading for.

If you run, you are a runner!

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