Monday, May 21, 2012

Running in the Rain...

You either love it or hate it…or tolerate it I would suppose.
Up until today I could easily say I hate running in rain. It ruins sneakers, it gets in my eyes, it clouds the sunshine that I so need on a daily basis.

Now this runner was smart- wore "old" kicks!
This morning RunnerBud Jen and I got doused in the rain, sprinkled by rain and spit on by rain. It was 4:45am, we were dressed and ready to run. Our friendly weather guy said it was raining. We were outside – it was not raining. We did a quick walk to warm up and felt a little spitting rain. Let’s try it and see what happens we decided.
We ran about a block from our houses when the misty rain began and within a few more steps started coming down heavily with wind to boot. Nice...

This is gonna be a short run…

We finish about ¾ of a mile and come to the point of no return. We either head down the road to home or keep going. That's when the rain stopped. So like the good runners we are, we kept going. All was well ‘til mile 2 and it started to come down pretty hard, but if you stop running, you never get home! We trudged on…
At yet the next point of heading home or continuing you will most likely guess that YES! the rain stopped again. So we kept going…right into the kind of rain that runs in a stream off of your ball cap and into your sneakers…yep that was us this morning.

Figuring we were already out there we might as well get in a 5K so that’s exactly what we did. We kicked out about 3.5 miles and then decided it was time to call it quits. So much for starting off the week with a long run.

So I guess I am no longer a fair-weather runner. 
Because we DID run in the rain and it wasn’t too bad. At one point I was even Yahoo-ing just because I could. (Can you just imagine ME in the darkness before dawn, rain streaming down all parts of my body Yahooing? OK, well I guess it isn't really that big of a stretch to visualize that...)
The neighbors were probably awakened and thinking WTF? But the temperature was warm enough and I was sweaty enough that I thought a Yahoo was in order.

Will we run again in the rain? If we get caught in it, I’ll go with yes. If it’s a downpour before we start, I’m figuring we will hit the gym...unless we dig out an old pair of running shoes that is.

Are you a fan of running in the rain?
Do you have any good running in the rain stories?
Kick on my friends – in the sun or in the rain, log them miles!

If you run, you are a runner!

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