Sunday, May 6, 2012

Treadmill ~ Love/Hate relationship

Whether you are a runner or just a gym rat, you have most likely been on a treadmill at some point. I'll admit that before my running days I did like the walk on in winter. I've now come to call it the dreadmill because some days I truly dread getting on that thing. Take this morning at the gym. I had cranked out about 5 1/2 miles and was getting pretty bored with my people watching. That's when it decided to develop a mind of its own and start decreasing my speed. I was jabbing at those stupid buttons every 30 seconds as I tried to finish my run. It seemed to think I'd had enough and it was time for a cooldown. Well Hello Mr. Treadmill, I had not gotten the miles in on my plan and I was not stopping until I reached my goal. In case you are wondering, I won the battle this time!

I also have this fear of turning into one of the contestants on Biggest Loser who falls and gets zipped off the back of the treadmill in front of everyone. Nothing like being all pumped up for a cardio workout and end up on the floor with the treadmill still running. It's kind of like this video...

Runnerbud Jen is on vacation...sniff, sniff...I miss my running buddy. (It is well deserved relax time for her, but how am I supposed to run in the mornings alone?) Obviously I am not hitting the pavement this week predawn by myself. Not that I'm afraid I'll get lost (yea yea I know I can't find my way through the mall), but there are way to many crazies out there stalking runners and the like. (OK I'll admit I have a VERY vivid imagination)

So it looks like this runner-girl is going to have to get her game on in the evening - post work, after picking up kids, making dinner, delivering to sports practices...ugh it makes me tired just typing about it! (Which also makes the point as to why I wake up so early to run before all of this happens!)
This is my morning mantra...

The other option is obviously continuing my early rising and hit the treadmill to crank out some miles. On the plus side of things I'll be able to catch up on the news while running this week and I'll be able to do some speedwork and hill repeats without going anywhere! (Can you hear my enthusiasm?)

But a run on the treadmill is a run and I'll be going faster and further than sitting around doing Mr. Treadmill, here I come!

If you run, you are a runner!

Do you like the treadmill or running outdoors?
How do you combat boredom on the treadmill?

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