Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mid-Week Pep Talk

Well, it's Wednesday and Jen and I took our last "long" run before the Pikes Peak 10k on Sunday. Eric says it's just another run with Jen. I truly wish I could look at it that way. When you get to the starting line and the other runners are looking all "trained" and "fit"'s a bit daunting.
Yea, this is the girl I hope I'm NOT running next too!

Between the adrenaline, lack of sleep (I never sleep well the night before a race) and the unknown - it's all a bit nauseating. Plus factor in I can't eat before a get the picture! Of course at the gun, you do the shuffle to jockey for a place and try not to trip or knock anyone down. The first mile, as all runners will agree, sucks! Til you find your pace, your breathing and settle takes the wind out of you. But when you find your groove...we remember why we love to run!

If you are lucky enough to have a running buddy to train and race with (like my Runnerbud Jen) you hang together most of the race. I'm over the top lucky this time around because I've got 2 Racerbuds this weekend...Jen & Amy!
Runnerbuds Jen & Amy...this was actually taken at our 8K race in VA Beach last month! We got stuck in the rain...and that's a whole other story!

I guess where I am going with this is running is a mental sport. Some say our sport is all other sport's punishment. My favorite saying is, Running is 90% mental and the other 10% is all in your head.
We've run a 10k distance numerous times over the past few weeks, there is absolutely no reason why I can't do it on Sunday. Just need to get it into my head. My body can do it. There is just something about a starting line, a finish line and the time on my Garmin. (And boy am I hoping to rock a 10k time!)
So friends, tune in Sunday evening to find out how this story ends. I'm hoping it wraps up like a fairy tale. But in any case, I'll be running like I'm being chased!

Have a great rest of the week!
If you run, you are a runner!

1 comment:

  1. it's like any competition of ANY kind... your nervous energy can get the best of you mentally, but I'm sure you've learned to use that to your advantage. Use it to charge yourself forward, to move those legs and feet a little faster, and you will do GREAT!!!! I'll be rooootin' for ya!!!! All the best xoxo
